Wednesday, September 13, 2006

:) Hey Again

Dont Know if this thing wil work but oh well. Another Crap day at school, GCSE's are takeing their toll, looots of homework and coursework and all that blah blah. Im taking Art, History, Workplace Suite and Health & Social Care. Taking Work Experience Too, chose my old school and stuff. My ambition is to be an infant teacher but that idea is getting more and more distant every day. My aim in life is to Own a Volkswagen Bus, Live in Cornwall and go to the beach with people everyday. That would make me happy :). Where i live is getting so old fashioned and boring, just feel like a change. Meet some new people and stuff too.

Ive never really kept a diary so thought it better to keep one on the Tinternet. I've only ever kept a diary for a day, but as im on the computer alot it kinda works out :).
Anyway, Ive gotta go do some BORING history homework now so i might blog later or tomorrow. Buhbye x